Postnasal Drainage

Postnasal Drainage is Frequently Due to an Allergic Reaction to Environmental Allergens

Postnasal Drainage Michigan | Allergy & Asthma Center of Rochester - callout-postnasal-drainageMost commonly, environmental allergic reactions are caused by animal dander, house dust, house dust mite, or molds.

It can lead to chronic sore throats, tickling in the throat and coughing. Postnasal drainage is often present off and on throughout the year. Because of decreased quality of life, you should call today to be seen at our office.

Contact us today at (248) 651-0606 to set up an appointment for allergy testing. Our highly experienced Michigan board-certified doctors are here to help you!
We Accept Most Forms of Insurance
United Healthcare
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Meridian Healthcare
Priority Health